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Chocolatey Dreamland Cake

Chocolatey Dreamland Cake

835/- ( Inclusive of all taxes )

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About the Collection

Delight in gifting a taste of indulgence with our Bento Chocolate Cream Cake. Crafted to perfection, this delectable treat is a symphony of rich chocolate flavours. Ideal for sharing, it's a heartfelt gift that serves 2-3 people, making every bite a moment of joy. Let your loved ones savour the finest cream cake, a gesture that delivers not just dessert, but a box full of happiness and sweetness.

Product Details:

  • Flavour: Chocolate
  • Weight: 250 gms
  • Type of Cake : Cream Cake
  • Shape : Round
  • Cakes Version : Contains Egg
  • Serves : 2-3 people

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